Intensity-only Optical Compressive Imaging Using a Multiply Scattering Material: A Double Phase Retrieval System

B. Rajaei, E. W. Tramel, S. Gigan, F. Krzakala, & L. Daudet

Intensity-only Optical Compressive Imaging Using a Multiply Scattering Material: A Double Phase Retrieval System
Experimental setup of the imager, from [9]. A monochromatic laser at 532 nm is expanded by a telescope and illuminates an SLM, here, a Texas Instruments DLP9500 DMD with \(1920\times 1080\) pixels. The light beam carrying the image is then focused on a random medium by means of a microscope lens. Here, the medium is a thick (several tens of microns) opaque layer of Zinc Oxide nanoparticles deposited on a glass slide. The transmitted light is collected on the far side by a second lens, passes through a polarizer, and is detected by an AVT PIKE F-100 monochrome CCD camera. Note that the DMD is only for calibration and display and is not part of the imager itself.


Reconstruction of images from noisy linear measurements is a core problem in image processing, for which convex optimization methods based on total variation (TV) minimization have been the long-standing state-of-the-art. We present an alternative probabilistic reconstruction procedure based on approximate message-passing, Scampi, which operates in the compressive regime, where the inverse imaging problem is underdetermined. While the proposed method is related to the recently proposed GrAMPA algorithm of Borgerding, Schniter, and Rangan, we further develop the probabilistic approach to compressive imaging by introducing an expectation-maximization learning of model parameters, making the Scampi robust to model uncertainties. Additionally, our numerical experiments indicate that Scampi can provide reconstruction performance superior to both GrAMPA as well as convex approaches to TV reconstruction. Finally, through exhaustive best-case experiments, we show that in many cases the maximal performance of both Scampi and convex TV can be quite close, even though the approaches are a prori distinct. The theoretical reasons for this correspondence remain an open question. Nevertheless, the proposed algorithm remains more practical, as it requires far less parameter tuning to perform optimally.


    Author = {Boshra Rajaei and Eric W. Tramel and Sylvain Gigan and Florent Krzakala and Laurent Daudet},
    Booktitle = {Proc. {IEEE} Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
    Title = {Intensity-only Optical Compressive Imaging Using a Multiply Scattering Material: A Double Phase Retrieval System},
    Year = {2016}}
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