Video Compressed Sensing with Multihypothesis

E. W. Tramel & J. E. Fowler

Video Compressed Sensing with Multihypothesis
Recovery of frame \(x_2\) of the Football sequence using frame \(x_1\) as reference, \(S_2 = 0.2\), \(S_1 = 0.5\). Clockwise from upper left: original frame \(x_2\); independent reconstruction (PSNR = 25.95dB); recovery with Tikhonov-regularized MH prediction (PSNR = 26.91dB); recovery with SH prediction (PSNR = 25.97 dB)


The compressed-sensing recovery of video sequences driven by multihypothesis predictions is considered. Specifically, multihypothesis predictions of the current frame are used to generate a residual in the domain of the compressed-sensing random projections. This residual being typically more compressible than the original frame leads to improved reconstruction quality. To appropriately weight the hypothesis predictions, a Tikhonov regularization to an ill-posed least-squares optimization is proposed. This method is shown to outperform both recovery of the frame independently of the others as well as recovery based on single-hypothesis prediction.


    Address = {Snowbird, Utah},
    Author = {Eric W. Tramel and James E. Fowler},
    Booktitle = {Proc. of the {IEEE} Data Compression Conf. (DCC)},
    Month = march,
    Pages = {193--202},
    Title = {Video Compressed Sensing with Multihypothesis},
    Year = 2011}
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